Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Looking for Something

Hello, my non-existent blog readers!   

For the past week or so, I've been trying to think of something to do. Not just on a day to day, hour to hour basis. What I really need is some kind of project that I can do so I feel like I'm accomplishing something with my life.

I realize that I'm just a high school student and no one expects any thing from me, and in a week, I'll be back at school and the void will probably be filled or at least pushed aside by homework and everything that comes with that.  

I still wish I had something that I could at least imagine that I would do. Last year, I really wanted to produce a web series or at least a video or something, but that didn't happen, because I didn't have the time, inspiration or resources. I still don't.  

I suppose I still need to try something. Come up with some story idea that is simple enough that I can film it and edit it together and see what happens. Maybe I need to just start writing. writing anything. I've been watching a lot of youtube and it's making me want to start a vlog, but no one would watch it, and I would probably have nothing to say.  

I guess I just really need to try things and see if anything fits. Find something that I enjoy, I care about, I'm good at, because there isn't really anything right now. What I need to do is just do stuff, instead of writing rambly, not overly coherent blog posts that no one will read. 

But I needed to get my thoughts organized, or at least have them out there in the world.   
Before I can do anything I need to go buy an external hard drive, because my computer's memory has been nearly full all summer. I wish I had a laptop, but that won't happen anytime soon... sigh.    

Well, non existent blog readers, until next time!   

Quote(s) of the Moment:  
"Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!" -Wash, Firefly 
"Nothing ever doesn't change, but nothing changes much." -OK Go, White Knuckles

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