Friday, September 24, 2010

Life Issues and TV News

So, today I was at callbacks for my schools musical, and of course, everyone there was really talented and confident and have things they're proud of and stuff, and I am NOT those things so naturally I became a bit depressed so I went and took a walk. It was raining out, which probably didn't help my mood, but it was still a really nice walk. I came back a while later and I was all wet and thinking about stuff, and a couple people asked me if I was okay, and I said I was, even though I wasn't really sure. So, basically it's like the terrible pointless feeling that I talked about in the previous post, except loads worse, because now I have the stress and so much less free time from school, and I was surrounded by all these people and I am a co stage-manager, which really isn't important, at least not for a couple months, and I interviewed to be assistant director, which was fairly disappointing for me last spring, along with the fact that I didn't get back on drama board, which really isn't that big of a deal, but it bothered me, and it still bothers me from time to time, but that's just because I'm a freak who can't let anything go, but anyway, I'm mostly over all of that, but not completely. Basically, my life is pointless and I don't have any talents or things like that and a lot of times I feel like I don't have people who I can talk to, because out of my friend group, there are two people who I would say I am the closest too, and they are best friends with each other, which makes things awkward for me.

ANYWAYS, yeah, sort of also in line with what I was talking about last post, I kind of want to start a vlog, and I tried to film one once, but it was dumb, so I stopped. I'm also thinking about doing nanowrimomo, if I find myself any spare time...

So, in TV News... (contains very minor spoilers regarding Chuck and Psych, mostly contained in the little blurb where I talk about Psych)

The new season of Chuck looks really good. I was geeking out all over the premiere episode. Also, next weeks episode has a Jeremy Messersmith song in it, which is exciting, because there are few things that I love more than when spy action comedies mix with good local music.

Survivor is on Wednesday, which annoys me immensly, and also means that I haven't been able to watch the first two episodes. 

The White Collar finale was mindblowing to anyone who had been watching the series for more than two weeks.

I finally got around to watching the mid-season finale of Psych, which was good, though as great as the developing relationship between Shawn and Jules is, I wonder how it is going to work out in terms of plot. I think thay should just hurry up and make babies, like Chuck's sister. 

I haven't seen the new Glee. I have a kind of like - hate relationship with Glee. On the one hand, it's cute and funny and has catchy music. On the other hand, it's really stupid and horribly unrealistic. And the expository style with the people's voice over bothers me. Get some real story-telling and character development, stupid writers. 

30 Rock and Community were both really funny. The Office was so-so again.

So, this post is really really really long and I don't feel like I've said very much so I should probably stop.  This post is a little bit weird, because Elizabeth is probably the only one who will ever read this, so Elizabeth, just know that when I was writing this I wasn't thinking about that, I was just writing stuff, and you happen to be the only person subscribed to my blog at this time. Also, hello. 


Song of the Moment:

Youtube Video of Forever:

Quote of the Moment: "If someone says, "...that's what she said." I respond, " her friend, who was also a slut."" -Nathan Fillion

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