Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Looking for Something

Hello, my non-existent blog readers!   

For the past week or so, I've been trying to think of something to do. Not just on a day to day, hour to hour basis. What I really need is some kind of project that I can do so I feel like I'm accomplishing something with my life.

I realize that I'm just a high school student and no one expects any thing from me, and in a week, I'll be back at school and the void will probably be filled or at least pushed aside by homework and everything that comes with that.  

I still wish I had something that I could at least imagine that I would do. Last year, I really wanted to produce a web series or at least a video or something, but that didn't happen, because I didn't have the time, inspiration or resources. I still don't.  

I suppose I still need to try something. Come up with some story idea that is simple enough that I can film it and edit it together and see what happens. Maybe I need to just start writing. writing anything. I've been watching a lot of youtube and it's making me want to start a vlog, but no one would watch it, and I would probably have nothing to say.  

I guess I just really need to try things and see if anything fits. Find something that I enjoy, I care about, I'm good at, because there isn't really anything right now. What I need to do is just do stuff, instead of writing rambly, not overly coherent blog posts that no one will read. 

But I needed to get my thoughts organized, or at least have them out there in the world.   
Before I can do anything I need to go buy an external hard drive, because my computer's memory has been nearly full all summer. I wish I had a laptop, but that won't happen anytime soon... sigh.    

Well, non existent blog readers, until next time!   

Quote(s) of the Moment:  
"Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!" -Wash, Firefly 
"Nothing ever doesn't change, but nothing changes much." -OK Go, White Knuckles

Sunday, August 22, 2010


So, several months ago, I decided I wanted to create a blog. Today, I decided to actually post something. I don't know what, and I doubt many people if anyone will actually read it, but I don't know, I want a place to write about stuff and maybe my friends or anyone internet creeping on me will read it.

But anyway, this is a blog, where I shall talk about my life and probably comment on TV shows that I watch if they are interesting and I need to share something with the imaginary people reading this blog (I'll try to post spoiler warnings where appropriate) then I'll write stuff. 

So, essentially the point of this first blog post is: I'm writing a blog about stuff. And I ramble a lot. 

There will be a lot of nerdy stuff and a lot of incoherence, and a lot of I don't even know what. It's possible that I'll never actually post again, or I'll post very occasionally and then forget about it for extended periods of time. 

This post is already exceedingly long and rather pointless, so I think I'll just stop now, and try to create better, more coherent blog posts in the future.